Accolades |
The extraordinary wake, funeral and second line for Ernie K-Doe
was a grand spectacle that only the city and the people of New
Orleans could produce. After all, it's no small feat producing
a funeral for an Emperor.
Director Jackie Harris, of the Mayor's New Orleans Music and Entertainment
Commission, worked tirelessly to ensure that all arrangements were
met. Mayor Marc Morial was quite helpful, and his assistant, Reverend
Connie Thomas, invited us to a meeting at City Hall to plan the
huge event. There were so many details to attend to ... planning
and coordinating the wake and funeral services ... deciding who
would offer the invocation, scripture readings, eulogy and prayers
.... choosing those who were important in Ernie's life and career
to partake in oral and musical tributes ... obtaining necessary
permits, police escorts ... arrangements for Gallier Hall ....
setting the stage, procuring the podium, instruments, sound equipment
and personnel ... logistics ... ushers ... organizing the second
line .... planning the program book .... listing acknowledgments
... providing coffee and donuts for thousands of fans.
the most important decision involved the selection of the funeral
home to handle arrangements. The Emperor's widow, Antoinette, allowed
us to choose Duplesis W. Rhodes Funeral Home in time to extend
funeral director Joan Rhodes an invitation to the organization
meeting, where she was able to offer her experienced advice. Joan
Rhodes and Sandra Rhodes Duncan were extremely professional and
dedicated, as was their competent staff. They never lost their
composure, even when the hospital lost the body!
It took frequent midnight calls with Joan and Jackie to help pull
this off. In addition, many folks pitched in. Anna Ross and Heather
Twichell donated their family tomb for K-Doe's burial. Rob Florence
and the Friends of New Orleans Cemeteries volunteered restoration
of the tomb. Though firmly entrenched in producing the Essence
Festival, Quint Davis put together the ultimate funeral second
line event courtesy of Festival Productions. The New Orleans Jazz
and Heritage Foundation printed 10,000 program books. Philip Baptiste
paid for the funeral hearse and horses. Jackie Clarkson helped
with arrangements.
Palfi (I am frequently gratified by his splendid documentary
"Piano Players Rarely Ever Play Together" featuring
Professor Longhair, Tuts Washington and Allen Toussaint)
contacted the dozen generous artists whose work was included
in the memorial video. Palfi and Jason Villemarette pulled
all-nighters to edit all the assembled pieces donated
for this occasion. Eddie Sapir found funding for the rental
of equipment needed for the video project. Many musicians
were happy to volunteer their services. Sherman Bernard
offered his sound equipment and expertise. Earl Perry
allowed use of his fabulous photo for the program book
as well as the displaying of many of his photos of K-Doe
with the Paradise Girls, Antoinette K-Doe and Tee Eva
Perry, at Gallier Hall, as did photographer Syndey Byrd.
The Rhythm and Blues Foundation gave money towards burial
expenses. |
Coffee for the thousands of guest who paid tribute was provided
by Kenneth and Melba Ferdinand of the P.J.'s located on Frenchmen
Street and Louis Armstrong International Airport location, as well
as the good people of Still Perkin'. Steve Kaplan procured the
equipment and manned the coffee room. David Yeates drove all around
and across town to pick up donuts, generously donated by Winn Dixie,
for delivery to Gallier Hall. Rick Delaup gave up two days of his
busy life to videotape the wake and funeral for Antoinette. Dave
Cash, webmeister for the K-Doe site <www.K-Doe.com>, gave
up all money making endeavors for several days to maintain and
update the site with the constant flow of incoming photos and information.
Andrea Garland stayed up all night to print photos of K-Doe for
lamination and make Emperor and Empress buttons. Doc Mansina and
Louie Nugent printed memorial tee shirts. Sherif Foti sent deputies
to the Mother-in-Law Lounge to maintain peace and security. Wanda
Rouzan was our cheerful Grand Marshall. John Blancher volunteered
his Rock 'n Bowl for the repast, where Pampy's and the House of
Blues generously sent huge pans of food. Accolades to our great
community, to all the loving people who stepped up with their "whatever
it takes" attitude. I feel so blessed to have been a part
of such a tremendous effort. I am so proud of our community!!!